The third volume of this epochal book of Peace declarations is the first ever attempt to bring together recent (and older) peace declarations into one place. Included are both official legal international treaties which are either now or previously attempting to bring peace to a troubled planet, but also included are visionary ethical and interfaith declarations written by faith leaders, peace experts, philosophers and intellectuals trying to come up with a formula that everyone can agree on. Included are a number of Declarations dealing with education for peace and also medicine for peace. Various political and scientific declarations are included that have direct relevance to the situation humanity finds ourself in with the 2020 global Coronavirus lockdown. We start the book with the oldest known Peace treaty, between Egyptian and Hittite empires, dated from 1290 BC. Also included are the 10 Commandments given through Moses at Sinai in approx. 1500 BC since it includes the injunction “Do not kill”. The UN, Europe, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, culture, trades unions, liberty of conscience, religious freedom, international law, and environmental issues are among the many declarations included.
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